The Manager has the following build-time requirements:
- The following package(s) are required to be installed:
- erlang-solutions_1.0_all (from This will install Erlang and Elixir
- postgresql-client
- A PEM file is required for encrypting sensitive values at rest in the database. Both the public and private key files are required.
The Manager has the following build-time environment configuration:
- BROKER_ID: Integer representing the MessagingBroker, which should be used to connect to the AMQP broker
- EXCHANGE_ID: Integer representing the MessagingExchange, which should be associated with the component
- MANAGER_DATABASE_HOST: String hostname of the database connection
- MANAGER_DATABASE_NAME: String name of the database
- MANAGER_PASSWORD: String containing the database password
- MANAGER_USER_NAME: String containing the database user
- MANAGER_MESSAGING_KEYNAME: String name of the PEM file that should be used for encrypting private information
- MANAGER_MESSAGING_PRIVATE_KEY: String containing the absolute path to the private key of the PEM file that should be used for encrypting private information
- MANAGER_MESSAGING_PUBLIC_KEY: String containing the absolute path to the public key of the PEM file that should be used for encrypting private information
- MIX_ENV: String containing the mix environment (i.e. prod)
- PORT: Integer representing the port for Phoenix (default is not set for prod)
- OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: String containing the OAuth Client ID
- OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: String containing the OAuth Client Secret
- MANAGER_OAUTH_VALIDATE_URL: String pointing to the OAuth validationg URL for the OAuth Provider
- OAUTH_LOGIN_URL: String pointing to the OAuth login URL for the Manager
- UI_URL: String pointing to a UI URL
The Overseer has the following build-time requirements:
- The following package(s) are required to be installed:
- erlang-solutions_1.0_all (from This will install Erlang and Elixir
The Overseer has the following build-time environment configuration:
- BROKER_ID: Integer representing the MessagingBroker, which should be used to connect to the AMQP broker
- EXCHANGE_ID: Integer representing the MessagingExchange, which should be associated with the component
- MIX_ENV: String containing the mix environment (i.e. prod)
- MANAGER_URL: String pointing to the OpenAperture Manager
- OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: String containing the OAuth Client ID
- OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: String containing the OAuth Client Secret
- OAUTH_LOGIN_URL: String pointing to the OAuth login URL for the OAuth Provider
- QUEUE_NAME: String with the AMQP queue name for "overseer" messages; specific to the associated MessagingExchange
- SYSTEM_MODULES_QUEUE_NAME: String with the AMQP queue name for "system_modules" messages; specific to the associated MessagingExchange
The Notifications has the following build-time requirements:
- The following package(s) are required to be installed:
- erlang-solutions_1.0_all (from This will install Erlang and Elixir
The Notifications has the following build-time environment configuration:
- BROKER_ID: Integer representing the MessagingBroker, which should be used to connect to the AMQP broker
- EXCHANGE_ID: Integer representing the MessagingExchange, which should be associated with the component
- MIX_ENV: String containing the mix environment (i.e. prod)
- MANAGER_URL: String pointing to the OpenAperture Manager
- OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: String containing the OAuth Client ID
- OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: String containing the OAuth Client Secret
- OAUTH_LOGIN_URL: String pointing to the OAuth login URL for the OAuth Provider
- EMAIL_QUEUE_NAME: String with the AMQP queue name for "notifications_email" messages; specific to the associated MessagingExchange
- HIPCHAT_QUEUE_NAME: String with the AMQP queue name for "notifications_hipchat" messages; specific to the associated MessagingExchange
- HIPCHAT_AUTH_TOKENS: String containing a comma-delimited list of HipChat API authentication tokens (v2).
- HIPCHAT_DEFAULT_ROOM_NAME: String defining the default HipChat room id or name in which to publish all messages
- SMTP_FROM: String containing the email address used to send emails from an SMTP server
- SMTP_PASSWORD: String containing the password associated with the email address used to send emails from an SMTP server
- SMTP_PORT: Integer representing the port for the SMTP server
- SMTP_URI: String containing the URL of the SMTP server
The WorkflowOrchestrator has the following build-time requirements:
- The following package(s) are required to be installed:
- erlang-solutions_1.0_all (from This will install Erlang and Elixir
The WorkflowOrchestrator has the following build-time environment configuration:
- BROKER_ID: Integer representing the MessagingBroker, which should be used to connect to the AMQP broker
- EXCHANGE_ID: Integer representing the MessagingExchange, which should be associated with the component
- MIX_ENV: String containing the mix environment (i.e. prod)
- MANAGER_URL: String pointing to the OpenAperture Manager
- OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: String containing the OAuth Client ID
- OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: String containing the OAuth Client Secret
- OAUTH_LOGIN_URL: String pointing to the OAuth login URL for the OAuth Provider
- UI_URL: String pointing to a UI URL
- QUEUE_NAME: String with the AMQP queue name for "workflow_orchestration" messages; specific to the associated MessagingExchange
The Builder has the following build-time requirements:
- The following package(s) are required to be installed:
- erlang-solutions_1.0_all (from This will install Erlang and Elixir
- makedev
- apt-transport-https
- lxc-docker-x.x.x (the version will vary based on the current CoreOS version of docker)
- The git executable must be in the PATH
- The goon executable must be in the PATH
The Builder has the following build-time environment configuration:
- BROKER_ID: Integer representing the MessagingBroker, which should be used to connect to the AMQP broker
- EXCHANGE_ID: Integer representing the MessagingExchange, which should be associated with the component
- MIX_ENV: String containing the mix environment (i.e. prod)
- MANAGER_URL: String pointing to the OpenAperture Manager
- OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: String containing the OAuth Client ID
- OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: String containing the OAuth Client Secret
- OAUTH_LOGIN_URL: String pointing to the OAuth login URL for the OAuth Provider
- DOCKER_REGISTRY_EMAIL: String containing the email associated with a Docker registry
- DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD: String containing the password for a user associated with a Docker registry
- DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL: String containing the URL for a Docker registry
- DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME: String containing the username for a user associated with a Docker registry
- GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN: String containing an x-oauth-basic token for Github; this token is required to have access to all source and deployment repositories. The value should be in the format of x-oauth-basic:*token*
- QUEUE_NAME: String with the AMQP queue name for "builder" messages; specific to the associated MessagingExchange
The Deployer has the following build-time requirements:
- The following package(s) are required to be installed:
- erlang-solutions_1.0_all (from This will install Erlang and Elixir
- The fleetctl executable must be in the PATH (the release will vary based on the current CoreOS version of docker)
- In order for fleetctl to be successful, SSH access to the application clusters is required. The deployer's scripts will check for the SSH file in /root/.ssh/id_rsa
The Deployer has the following build-time environment configuration:
- BROKER_ID: Integer representing the MessagingBroker, which should be used to connect to the AMQP broker
- EXCHANGE_ID: Integer representing the MessagingExchange, which should be associated with the component
- MIX_ENV: String containing the mix environment (i.e. prod)
- MANAGER_URL: String pointing to the OpenAperture Manager
- OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: String containing the OAuth Client ID
- OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: String containing the OAuth Client Secret
- OAUTH_LOGIN_URL: String pointing to the OAuth login URL for the OAuth Provider
- QUEUE_NAME: String with the AMQP queue name for "deployer" messages; specific to the associated MessagingExchange
Deployer OA
The Deployer OA has the following build-time requirements (note that the source code is the same as Deployer, simply a different deployment config):
- The following package(s) are required to be installed:
- erlang-solutions_1.0_all (from This will install Erlang and Elixir
- The fleetctl executable must be in the PATH (the release will vary based on the current CoreOS version of docker)
- In order for fleetctl to be successful, SSH access to the application clusters is required. The deployer's scripts will check for the SSH file in /root/.ssh/id_rsa
The Deployer OA has the following build-time environment configuration:
- BROKER_ID: Integer representing the MessagingBroker, which should be used to connect to the AMQP broker
- EXCHANGE_ID: Integer representing the MessagingExchange, which should be associated with the component
- MIX_ENV: String containing the mix environment (i.e. prod)
- MANAGER_URL: String pointing to the OpenAperture Manager
- OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: String containing the OAuth Client ID
- OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: String containing the OAuth Client Secret
- OAUTH_LOGIN_URL: String pointing to the OAuth login URL for the OAuth Provider
- QUEUE_NAME: String with the AMQP queue name for "deploy_oa" messages; specific to the associated MessagingExchange
The FleetManager has the following build-time requirements (note that the source code is the same as Deployer, simply a different deployment config):
- The following package(s) are required to be installed:
- erlang-solutions_1.0_all (from This will install Erlang and Elixir
- The fleetctl executable must be in the PATH (the release will vary based on the current CoreOS version of docker)
- In order for fleetctl to be successful, SSH access to the application clusters is required. The deployer's scripts will check for the SSH file in /root/.ssh/id_rsa
The FleetManager has the following build-time environment configuration:
- BROKER_ID: Integer representing the MessagingBroker, which should be used to connect to the AMQP broker
- EXCHANGE_ID: Integer representing the MessagingExchange, which should be associated with the component
- MIX_ENV: String containing the mix environment (i.e. prod)
- MANAGER_URL: String pointing to the OpenAperture Manager
- OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: String containing the OAuth Client ID
- OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: String containing the OAuth Client Secret
- OAUTH_LOGIN_URL: String pointing to the OAuth login URL for the OAuth Provider
- QUEUE_NAME: String with the AMQP queue name for "fleet_manager" messages; specific to the associated MessagingExchange