
Cloud Application Management Platform

OpenAperture is a free, open-source hybrid cloud management platform that delivers software quickly and consistently regardless of location or workload. This future-ready platform from Lexmark Enterprise Software provides a comprehensive management system to handle the six pillars of cloud management – provisioning, deployment, monitoring, maintenance, security and metering.

OpenAperture Authentication

OpenAperture requires that authentication be configured in order to properly operate. All requests submitted to the Manager must contain an authorization header in the form:

Authorization: OAuth Bearer *access token*

Once a user has been authenticated, a User record is created, and an AuthSource defined (if one does not exist).

Configuring OAuth

OpenAperture requires an external OAuth 2 provider in order to function; OpenAperture uses both the Client Authentication flow to request authentication tokens, as well as the token endpoint to validate incoming tokens. The Manager SystemComponent will need to both authenticate tokens and request tokens. All of the remaining SystemComponents will need the ability to request tokens (to send to the Manager. The following OAuth information is required to be configured in the SystemComponent run-time environments:

The authentication flow generally looks something like: