
Cloud Application Management Platform

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OpenAperture is a free, open-source hybrid cloud management platform that delivers software quickly and consistently regardless of location or workload. This future-ready platform from Lexmark Enterprise Software provides a comprehensive management system to handle the six pillars of cloud management – provisioning, deployment, monitoring, maintenance, security and metering.

System Goals

To provide an OSS hybrid Cloud Application Management Platform which...

  • Runs in a centralized cloud
  • Runs on-prem
  • or...both

OpenAperture should build, deploy, and manage 12-factor compliant applications


The OpenAperture build platform should:

  • Build stateless application Docker containers
  • Inject all configuration at runtime
  • Support sending notifications via HipChat or Email as needed


The OpenAperture deploy platform should:

  • Deploy stateless containers via Fleet, while injecting environment-specific configuration
  • Ensure application scalability and redundancy
  • Support sending notifications via HipChat or Email as needed

Application Management

The OpenAperture deploy platform should:

  • Provide host monitoring
  • Provide OpenAperture system monitoring
  • Provide developer access to logs

Key Technologies


Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications.

Docker helps developers build and ship higher-quality applications, faster.

Docker helps sysadmins deploy and run any app on any infrastructure, quickly and reliably.

CoreOS / Fleet

CoreOS uses Linux containers to manage your services at a higher level of abstraction.

With fleet, you can treat your CoreOS cluster as if it shared a single init system. It encourages users to write applications as small, ephemeral units that can easily migrate around a cluster of self-updating CoreOS machines.

CoreOS / Etcd

Cetcd is a distributed key value store that provides a reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines.
