
Cloud Application Management Platform

OpenAperture is a free, open-source hybrid cloud management platform that delivers software quickly and consistently regardless of location or workload. This future-ready platform from Lexmark Enterprise Software provides a comprehensive management system to handle the six pillars of cloud management – provisioning, deployment, monitoring, maintenance, security and metering.

Note that the docker build step will need to access this repository in order to deploy your source code. If your repositories are private, your Builder deployment must have an SSH key or similar mechanism setup for git in order to clone the repository.

What is a Workflow?

Workflows are the basic building blocks for managing executions through OpenAperture. Workflows are made up of "milestones", which specify the desired behavior:

How to Create & Execute a Workflow

The Workflow resouce defines all of the available fields, although only the following are required upon creation:

You may optionally specify scheduled_start_time if your milestone list includes 'scheduled'.

To send a Workflow through OpenAperture, you need to create and then execute the workflow. To create, execute a POST to /workflows with the desired parameters. The response location header contains the relative path to the workflow (i.e. /workflows/*uuid*)

Once the Workflow has been created, execute a POST to /workflows/*uuid*/execute is required to start the execution (i.e. build and deploys). Execute supports the following optional parameters:

Once the Workflow has started, there are 2 methods of tracking the status: